Opening night of the EAGE Local Chapter Netherlands
Welcome to the EAGE Local Chapter Netherlands

What is the EAGE Local Chapter Netherlands?

The EAGE Local chapter Netherlands is a local chapter of the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, founded in 2019. The chapter is specifically aimed at organizing events related to Geoscience and Engineering for its members in the Netherlands. While the main focus area of the chapter is the Netherlands, the chapter also collaborates with other local chapters and invites members from other countries to its events. The members of the chapter come from industry and academia. The chapter frequently collaborates with the partners from either industry or academia to organize talks, networking events and discussion panels.

Board Change

Best Newcomer Award

In December 2022, Diego Rovetta and Rita Streich stood down as President and Vice-President, respectively, of the EAGE LC Netherlands. Both felt that they had achieved much during their time on the board and that it was time to hand the reins to new people. Florencia Balestrini took over as President from Diego and Joeri Brackenhoff accepted the Vice-President role from Rita. Florencia and Joeri are excited for their new roles and they, along with everyone else in the chapter wishes to thank Diego and Rita for all their hard work. The new board will do their best to continue the hard work into the next years.


Membership of the chapter is completely free for EAGE members

Anyone can become a member of the Local Chapter Netherlands and there are no associated costs to becoming a member as long as they are a member of the EAGE. You can apply for a membership of the EAGE and get access to all benefits of the association via their webpage. Members of the local chapter receive frequent updates about chapter activities and news from associated organizations. In order to become a member, you can use the Contact Us page or send an email to

External links


The EAGE is the parent organization to which the EAGE Local Chapter Netherlands belongs.


GAIA is part of the EAGE Women in Geosciene Network of EAGE and collaborates with our chapter.


Our LinkedIN page where we post regular updates and other relevant information about collaborations and opportunities.